[Update] Master Addons for Elementor v1.3.9

We are happy to release this latest 1.3.9 stable Updates to our user. We have come with some amazing features for Image Hover Effects Element in this version. The Blockquote Element added within this update and we have fixed team member custom image size issue.

Let’s see what you can achieve with this new update.

If you have already installed the 1.3.9 Version of Master Addons then you will get Popup, External Link, in the image hover system. Also Set Border Radius individual corner also available now. One of our beloved user suggested this individual border-radius idea.

Popup or Link on Click For Image Hover Effects

Image hover effects popup typeFirst drag and drop image hover effects element. You will see “Links or Popup?” option. Select what is suitable for you. If you select links then it will open a new panel where you able to place your internal or external link. But if you select popup then it will allow you to select the popup type. You will see the following content type for a popup.

  • Image
  • Content
  • Saved Section
  • Saved Widget
  • Saved Page Template

Watch the following short gif and you will understand how popup looks.

Image Hover Effects Popup and Border Radius

Border Radius For Image Hover Effects

Let’s navigate to the Border Radius for Image Hover Effects. Navigate to the Style tab first. You will see the border-radius option there. Check the following screenshot and you will get what is top, right, bottom, and left border radius. If you need to put an individual border-radius, make sure to uncheck link values together.

image hover effects border radius

Text positioning for Image Hover Effects

text positioning via padding and marginThis feature also suggested by one of our user. He wants position controlling for the Title and Description. So we have added Padding & Margin option here. Use these two option properly and move your title and description anywhere. To make the title at the top for your image hover effects, use minus value for margin.  You will see this option at style tab for title and description. Now you have the full control for your Image, Title, & Description. 

Added Blockquote Element

This is a brand new element by Master Addons in this update. You will get the default version for now. You can change the default content after dragging the element.

BlockQuote Element for Elementor

But if you really want to change the background color, font then use our Custom CSS extension. Use the following small CSS code to change the background. Also you able to change the font info using the same selector too.

selector blockquote{
background: #232323;

That’s all about the new update. You are free to suggest us what you need and our developer team will build this for you then you will get notified via our support team.

You can get in touch via Master Addons Contact Form or Message us on our Facebook Page.