Elementor FlipBox Widget For WordPress

Elementor Flip Box widget by Master Addons will take your content to the next level. It will catch your audience’s intension by awesome before and after animation. There are 4 design variations like Front image, Diagonal, Front icon, and 20+ animations. Master Addons Filpbox has an interactive layout that will look amazing on mouse hover.

Get creative with your text & images. You can customize everything: the font, background, and more. Make sure your entire interactive experience is prepped to convert visitors into customers.

I recommend you arrange your filpbox in multiple columns. If you already have installed and actived Master Addons plugin, then you will see all available Master Addons element inside your editor. Search for flipbox element.Elementor Flipbox Widget

Drag the Flipbox element and you will see the default flip box which is ready for you to customize.

There are Content and Style option available. Inside the content area you able to see Front Box, BackBox, and Action Button.

Elementor FlipBox Content

Front Box: Select a perfect icon, type Title, Select HTML Tag for the Title, And finally select the position where you prefer to place the text and icon. That’s all about the front box option.

Back Box: There are the same options available like front box, but as extra, you will get to write a description in the backbox.

Action Button: Type the button content and paste your Link here. Click on the link option (setting icon) and select if you want to set the link as nofollow and open this in a new tab.

Elementor Flipbox widget

Now let’s navigate to the style area to customize the color and typo. 

In style area there are 4 options available. General, Front Box, Back Box, and Action Button.

Elementor FlipBox Style

General Option: This is the main panel to create different types of flip box. You can select design variation, animation style, Border, Border radius, and flip box height.

Front & Back Box: The function of front and back box is pretty similar. Define background type, color, typography, icon color & size from these two options.

Action Button: Arrange text color, typography, BG color, Border, Border Radius for your back box button.

Elementor Flipbox widget style

That’s all about how to add elementor flipbox widget for WordPress websites. It’s not possible to showcase each flipbox effect inside one post. Feel free to play with all of the elementor flipbox effects yourself.