Elementor Conditional Display – 4 Tips You Should Check

The Master Addons Conditional Display extension for Elementor allows you to display content based on logic. You can include any number of conditions or logic and apply them to whichever page or elements you prefer.

While content visibility is quickly becoming a hot topic for marketers, many are still unaware of the ways to control their web content visibility.

Table of Contents
    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

    The Elementor Conditional Display by Master Addons provides a way to create conditions on your Elementor editor that will determine what your visitors see. This extension can be used to display or hide different types of content based on the visitor’s behavior.

    Enable Elementor Conditional Display

    First thing first, you must enable the “Conditional Display” extension by Master Addons. Just navigate to Master Addons extension library and Enable Display Conditions. Then save the settings.

    Now let’s get introduce with the option panel. Just edit any existing page or post via elementor editor. You can also watch the Conditional Display Extension video to learn more about it.

    You can set conditions to any section or element. just select wherever you like to set conditions on Elementor editor and navigate to the advanced option. Here you will see “Display Conditions” option by Master Addons.

    After enabling Display Conditions you will see “Display On” and “Add Item” option. You can add as many conditions as you need and also select “All Conditions meet” or “Any conditions meet” from Display option.

    All Conditions Meet: If you select this option, then your content will be only visible to those visitors who will meet every condition that you’ve defined. If any visitor failed to fulfill the criteria of your conditions, then he is unable to check your content. 

    Any Conditions Meet: If your visitors fulfill at least one condition of your list, then your content will be visible to their device. 

    Create Dynamic Conditional Page

    Master Addons developed some awesome conditions like Login Status, User role, Browser, OS, Time Range, Time of Day, Day of Week, and so on. Explore Master Addons Plugin to learn More.

    Tips 1# Display Content based on Login Status

    The display conditions of a website can be different for every website. Some websites may want to show special offers only for logged in users, or a different navigation menu to logged in and non logged in users.

    This can be easily done via Master Addons Display Conditions extension. When you enable “Conditional Display” from advanced tab, it set a login status condition by default.

    Take a look at the screenshot: If you select Login Status > Is > Logged in, that means only logged in users able to see the section or element.

    Login Status Elementor Display Condition

    Now if you select Login Status > Is not > Logged in, that means only non logged in users able to see the section or element.

    Tips 2# Display Content for User Roles

    With Master Addons you can easily show different content to different users. For example, admins can see more content and features than their less privileged counterparts.

    It’s a most wanted feature for those who likes to showcase dynamic content for different type of user roles.

    Just select “User Role” as a condition. Then select “Is” or “Is not” and finally select your desired user roles.

    User Role Display Condition for Elementor

    You can’t select multiple user roles in a single condition. If you want to showcase same content for both Administrator and Editor, then just select “Any Conditions met“ from “display on” option. Then create two condition for both user roles.

    Tips 3# Dynamic Content based on Browser

    With the help of Elementor Conditional display extension, you can define which content will be visible on different browsers. At present, there are 6 browser IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Opera Mini available to set conditions.

    All you have to select “Browser” as a Condition then select the browser name. By this way, you can display your content on the selected browser.

    Browser Based Condition for Elementor

    There are also “Is” and “Is not“ value. If you want to hide any section or element for a specific browser. Then select “Is not” value and then the browser name. It will hide your selected section or element for only that selected browser.

    Tips 4# OS (Operating System) based Content

    There are many ways to display content for different OS (Operating Systems). One way would be to create a responsive design for the website. If that is not an option, then it is possible to create a separate website for each OS. Which is not a great way in this present technology.

    This Display Condition system is enough to showcase specific content based on visitor’s OS. There are a total of 11 OS available for the Condition. Which is enough to create a Dynamic OS based webpage. 

    OS Based Condition for Elementor

    iPhone, Windows, OpenBSD, Linux, Safari, Mac OS, QNX, BeOS, OS/2, and Search Bot – select your desired OS as condition and then define whether you like to showcase content for this OS or hide content for this OS.

    That’s the most wanted 4 tips for Elementor Conditional Display extension by Master Addons. It’s not the end of this extension, there are more conditions available such as Date Range, Time of Day, Day of week. You can easily showcase some promotion offer for a selected time or day using these conditions. Try Master Addons to explore more Display Conditions and create your Dynamic Conditional Webpage.