(FIX) Elementor Editor Not Loading Issue

It is really frustrating when you’re working with Elementor and you’re facing “Elementor Widgets Not Loading Error” on your site. This error appears quite frequently and many have written to us about it. You can edit any page or post using Elementor. They complain of elementor editor being stuck or not loading on their end.

Is there any easy way to fix this? Yes, there is.

There are few possible causes of this error. We will discuss them in this article and provide you ways to troubleshoot and fix the error.

Elementor Editor Not loading solution

Before go to the solution. You need to check your PHP Version, PHP Memory Limit, and some other information. Don’t worry, if you have Master Addons installed on your website, you can easily check all necessary info. 

Just navigate to Master Addons option from your dashboard. Then navigate to the System Info tab. You will get all data you need. 

system info to fix elementor not loading issue

Increase PHP Version and WP Memory Limit

Elementor recommends that you use PHP version 7.0 and at least 128 M of memory limit. Now, your hosting company maybe using an older version of PHP or allocating less memory limit.

You can check the details yourself under Site Info inside WordPress. (Provide SS).

If you see that you’re using an older PHP version, then it’s best to contact your hosting provider and ask them for an upgrade. Before contact the hosting provider you can solve it yourself too. Just follow the two steps.

Upgrade Your PHP Version

Login to your hosting and navigate to Cpanel. Most of all Cpanel has a custom “PHP version selector” option. Take a look at the following screenshot.

Select PHP Version in Cpanel

Select Your Desired PHP Version

After clicking on the “Select PHP Version” button it will redirect you to a page where you able to select the best PHP version for you. Just select the version and save it.

PHP Version Selector from Cpanel

Increase WP Memory Limit

But many times, the issue is with the Memory limit allocation. And you can correct it just by following a few steps.

First step is to go to your root folder and local wp-config.php file.

WP Config.PHP File in Root directory

Open the file on code or text editor. Then paste the following code under your database info. You are free to paste the code anywhere within the wp-config.php file.

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );

define wp memory limit

You can watch the following video to increase your memory limit. Use FTP or Hosting file manager to edit wp-config.php file.

Your problem should now be solved.

Check For Plugin conflict

After the environment issue is taken care of and your problem still remain unresolved, the next logical thing to do would be to check for plugin conflicting with your Elementor builder. The simple way to resolve this is to disable all the plugins excluding Elementor builder and enable them one by one. So, when the issue occurs with a specific plugin, you should know the reason. You can replace that plugin or stop using it altogether.

Check Your Theme

Sometimes few themes have some inbuilt js files which can cause conflict with the Elementor builder plugin. So, to confirm this is not the case, you can switch to the default WordPress theme and check if the elementor widget is working. If its working with WordPress Twenty Nineteen Theme, then it could be the problem of your theme.

Change Editor Loading Method

If you go to Elementor Settings tab and navigate to the Advanced tab within it, you can see the option of “Switch Editor Loading Method” We don’t have much information about how it works but we have seen some cases where changing the method has worked. So, we recommend to change the method and check if it solves the issue.

Elementor Widget not loading can be easily fixed using the methods above. However, if you’re still having the issue even by going through the above steps, you can check the official elementor documentation for the issue.

I hope the article the reader find the article useful in fixing the issue of “Elementor widget not loading” issue. But if you still face any problem, you can contact us and we will be glad to help you.