Check what we have done in the plugin Update.

Changelogs [20 April 2024]


  • Updated Deprecated Codes updated
  • Updated Mega Menu Saving Issue fixed
  • Updated Mega Menu Editor Close button position updated
  • Updated Mega Menu Editor Close button position updated
  • Updated Plugins iframe popup thickbox style issue updated
  • Updated MA Templates save issue fixed
  • Updated Security Update fixed
  • Updated Typography Globals issue fixed
  • Updated Advanced Accordion – Toggle not working issue fixed [24 March 2024]


  • Updated Security Bugs fixed [12 March 2024]


  • Updated Security Bugs fixed
  • Updated Elementor deprecated namespace, methods has been updated and compatible with latest version
  • Updated MA Comments updated with broken style issues
  • Updated Search Element updated styles
  • Updated Advanced Image ‘preload’ not working issue fixed [25 January 2024]


  • Updated Modula Gallery Plugin Conflict issue fixed [31 December 2023]


  • Updated Modula Gallery Plugin Conflict issue fixed [25 December 2023]


  • Updated Security update
  • Updated White Label Logo not updating issue fixed [26 November 2023]


  • Updated Performance issue fixed
  • Updated Admin Settings not working issue fixed
  • Updated Popup notice not closing issue fixed [12 November 2023]


  • Updated File name typo issue fixed [12 November 2023]


  • Updated Admin Scripts updated

2.0.5 [12 November 2023]


  • Updated Security Update issue fixed
  • Updated Freemius SDK Updated
  • Updated Notice not working issue fixed
  • Updated Latest WordPress Compatibility
  • Updated Latest Elementor Compatibility
  • Updated Latest Elementor Pro Compatibility
  • Fixed Dashboard Welcome Widgets issue fixed

2.0.4 [11 October 2023]


  • Updated Security Update issue fixed
  • Updated Call to Action button “New Window” not working issue fixed
  • Updated Advanced Tabs updated with Tabular Content Alignment issue
  • Updated Stats Title Color and Typography not working issue fixed on Progressbars
  • Updated Business Hours update with “Short Details” style preset background image not working issue
  • Updated Business Hours Sub Title Show/Hide option not working issue fixed
  • Added Bubble Line Position added on Progressbar
  • Removed Tag ‘p’ removed from Advanced Accordion Title

2.0.3 [6 July 2023]


  • Updated Updated Freemius SDK to the latest version
  • Updated Latest Elementor & Elementor Pro checked

2.0.2 [27 May 2023]


  • Fixed Countdown Timer “Minutes” typo issue fixed
  • Fixed Master Addons icon on Editor alignment issue fixed
  • Fixed Navigation Menu broken style issue fixed. Thanks [@guitar4jc]( for informing about the issue
  • Fixed Sourcemap file “” not found 404 error issue fixed. Thanks [@sneoo4]( for informing about the issue
  • Fixed Flipbox – Back SVG Icon not resizing issue fixed
  • Fixed WP get_page_by_title() is deprecated
  • Updated All icons picker codebase updated for – Toogle Content, Advanced Tabs, Team Members, Dynamic Table,
  • Updated Icon Color, Icon Width updated for Infobox
  • Updated Flipbox – Icon picker frontend code updated
  • Updated Advanced Accordion – Icon library codes updated
  • Added Icon width on Style tab for “MA Advanced Tabs”
  • Added Icon Header width, Icon Body width, Icon Header Color, Icon Body with and SVC Icon color on Style tabs for “Dynamic Table”
  • Added Icon Color, width, border radius, background color updated for Logo Slider
  • Added Icon Width added for “Image Hover Effects”, updated CSS selectors for SVG icons for “Font Awesome 5”
  • Added Creative Links – Added Icon width option
  • Added Creative Buttons – Added Icon width option and updated SVG icon color option
  • Added Business Hours – Added Icon width and Color option

2.0.1 [22 March 2023]


  • Fixed Call to undefined method Freemius_Api_WordPress::RemoteRequest() PHP fatal error issue fixed

2.0.0 [13 March 2023]


  • Fixed Unsupported operand issue fixed on MA Blog widget
  • Fixed Comment form field loading issue at backend
  • Fixed Google re-captcha issue fixed
  • Fixed Swiper Slider overflow issue fixed.

2.0.0 [13 March 2023]


  • Fixed Unsupported operand issue fixed on MA Blog widget
  • Fixed Comment form field loading issue at backend
  • Fixed Google re-captcha issue fixed
  • Fixed Swiper Slider overflow issue fixed.

1.9.9 [26 January 2023]


  • Fixed Compatibility check with latest WordPress and Elementor, Elementor Pro

1.9.8 [4 January 2023]


  • Fixed Megamenu click/hover & width issue fixed

1.9.7 [24 November 2022]


  • Info Elementor 3.5.x Version Compatibility check
  • Info Black Friday Deals info added

1.9.6 [13 November 2022]


  • Info Version Compatibility check with WordPress 6.1 and latest Elementor & Elementor Pro

1.9.5 [26 October 2022]


  • Fixed “Datetime” issue fixed on multisite dashboard error issue fixed

1.9.4 [18 September 2022]


  • Fixed “Timeline” addon – Date displaying twice on responsive mode fixed

1.9.3 [2 July 2022]


  • Fixed “Infobox” addon – default hover style visiblity issue fixed, removed duplicate settings and code cleaned up
  • Fixed “Timeline” addon – date displaying twice in mobile/table issue fixed, Date Format added for custom/vertical timeline date picker & logic updated for displaying post featured image.
  • Fixed “Navigation Menu” addon – Style issue fixed when Layout/Type is VERTICSL/SIDE.
  • Fixed “Current Time” addon – Name of the Month made translate able.
  • Fixed Dynamic Tags deprecated hook updated
  • Updated “Background Slider” addon – Added a new settings “Display Random?” to display the slider iamges randomly on each page load..

1.9.2 [15 June 2022]


  • Fixed “Advanced Image” addon – Image alighment & Preload image issue fixed.
  • Fixed “Gallery Slider” addon – Thumbnail click issue fixed.
  • Fixed “Navigatio Menu” addon – dropdown indicator, submenu indicator, indicator hover animation & Gap between issue fixed.
  • Fixed “Counter Up” addon – suffix, prefix & image display issue fixed.
  • Fixed PHP Fatal erorr fixed.
  • Fixed “Welcome Screen” php undefined issue fixed
  • Fixed “Background Slider” extension – overlay issue fixed
  • Fixed “Swiper Slider” addon – Arrow offset issue fixed
  • Fixed Whole plugin text-domain updated it’s bug fixed
  • Fixed “Info box” addon – css issue fixed
  • Fixed “MA Timeline” addon – php 8.0 issue fixed
  • Fixed “Entrance Animation” extension – not working (frontend) issue fixed
  • Fixed “Gallery Slider” addon – Thumbnail carousel display issue fixed
  • Fixed “Filterable Image Gallery” addon – massonry issue fixed.
  • Fixed “Navigation Menu” addon – JS console elementor channels not working issue fixed.
  • Updated “Creative Button” addon – added a new button style.
  • Updated “Team Slider” addon – enhanced by adding Tiktok, Youtube & Email social fields
  • Added “Charity Campain” addon – developed with Charitable Plugin.
  • Added “Charity Campain” addon – developed with Charitable Plugin.
  • Added New Addon “Logo Slider” Released
  • Added Added white label settings to remove MA Placeholder image
  • Added Added Custom Label field to Custom Vertical Timeline.

1.9.1 [1 May 2022]


  • Fixed “Info Box” All style presets image show/alignment issue fixed.
  • Fixed “Blog Posts” addon’s List Layout Type > List Blur Content issue fixed.
  • Fixed “Team Slider” Content Drawer style not working issue fixed, Social Left on Hover icon design improved, Image border settings control added & Spacing control added for name,designation, dimension.
  • Fixed “Nav Menu” sub menu broken issue fixed on mobile.
  • Fixed “Logo Slider” Slides Per Column settings field added to contorl number of images to show in the slider.
  • Fixed “Creative Button” -Effect: Ujarak hover color issue fixed.
  • Fixed White Label bugs for Welcome Tab issue fixed
  • Updated Flipbox updated with undefined variable issue
  • Updated Team Slider updated with undefined variables

1.9.0 [23 April 2022]


  • Fixed Elementor Popup width issue fixed
  • Updated Timeline scrollbar not scrolling issue fixed
  • Fixed Image Hover effect popup icon issue fixed
  • Updated Latest Elementor support and deprecated methods updated

1.8.9 [21 April 2022]


  • Fixed Admin UI page tab menu responsive issue fixed
  • Fixed Mega Menu – Default value added for newly enabled megamenu to show up builder content.
  • Fixed Mega Menu – Dropdown menu width settings added to the Mega Menu Settings Popup.
  • Fixed Mega Menu -Megamenu hover issue fixed, both mobile and megamenu was hovering at the same time.
  • Fixed Mega Menu -Megamenu php error fixed, wrapped up by a conditoin if megamenu extension is enabled.
  • Fixed Dual Heading – Text Alignment issue fixed.
  • Fixed Team Member – Box Shadow issue not working fixed.
  • Fixed Team Member – Designation padding/margin issue fixed.
  • Fixed Team Slider – settings “Shadow mode” color not working issue fixed.
  • Fixed Creative Button – “saqui” animation efect on hover issue fixed.
  • Fixed Info Box – style seven hover color issue fixed.
  • Fixed Creative Links – Effect: Text Fill, Scale Down, Fall Down, Move Up broken issue fixed.
  • Fixed Infobox – variation no 10th hover color issue fixed.
  • Fixed Advanced Accordion – Content Color and Background Color not working issue is fixed.
  • Fixed Progressbars – active bar color issue fixed.
  • Fixed Image hover – effect popup not working issue fixed.
  • Fixed Timeline – Enabling Links breaks the timeline issue fixed.
  • Fixed Tooltip Tab settings/styles added to swiper controls.
  • Updated Wrapper Link extension updated
  • Updated Timeline – Vertical Timeline Enable Links breaks issue fixed

1.8.8 [09 April 2022]


  • Updated Admin Notices updated for Free and Pro users.
  • Updated “Image Carousel” addon – dyamic image Size made, Added Caption (Title & Subtitle ) Support on Lightbox(Fancybox & Elementor) popup, Elementor popup width fixed.
  • Updated Tooltips Extension library updated to latest version, compressed all supported files into one file
  • Updated Tooltips Extension – Arrow type bug fixed, Distance issue fixed, Size settings removed, Manual Trigger programmatically added.
  • Fixed “MA Templates” popup not working issue fixed
  • Fixed Toggle Content broken HTML issue fixed
  • Fixed Swiper Carousel Fixed “Carousel Settings > Paused on hover” not working issue fixed
  • Fixed “Image Carousel – Carousel Items > Active Tab” style not working issue fixed. Other bugs – Dot position bug fixed, Arrows, Dots & Fraction style & position bugs fixed, Dynamic Next /Prev Icon, Scrollbar display issue fixed, Offset vertical/horizontal
  • Fixed Relax & Reveal display issue fixed.
  • Fixed Mega Menu not working issue fixed
  • Fixed Nav Menu Addon – Megamenu dropdown display issue fixed, dropdown hover animation, dropdown icon issue fixed, switching on hover dropdown display issue fixed
  • Fixed Nav Menu Addon – PHP notice: array to string conversion issue fixed
  • Info Latest Elementor v3.6.2 and Elementor Pro v3.6.4 compatibility checked
  • Removed “Image Carousel” addon – Image Fit settings removed
  • Added New Addon “Image Carousel” Released

1.8.7 [09 March 2022]


  • Updated SQL query bug issue fixed
  • Updated “MA Duplicator” security bug and Template Importing issue fixed
  • Updated Error Array to String conversion on “MA Reading Progress Bar” issue fixed
  • Fixed Error “JLTMA_Extension_Particles does not have a method “ma_el_add_particle_admin” issue fixed. Thanks [@kmrao]( for informing about the issue
  • Fixed Space on heading class “MA Blog” issue fixed. Thanks [@steliosk82](

1.8.6 [06 March 2022]


  • Updated Sanitization, Escape & Validation issues fixed
  • Updated Freemius SDK Updated
  • Updated MA Countdown Timer updated
  • Updated Rollback Version updated
  • Fixed MA Duplicator $wpdb->prepare() used for SQL Query
  • Fixed MA Blog – class spacing issue fixed. Thanks @steliosk82 for informing about the bug.

1.8.5 [27 February 2022]


  • Updated Sanitization, Escape & Validation issues fixed
  • Updated Template Library not working issue fixed

1.8.4 [23 February 2022]


  • Updated Sanitization, Escape & Validation issues fixed
  • Updated All remote Image and Script, Style url’s moved on local scope
  • Updated Stable Tags updated
  • Updated Featured Product Rating style issue fixed

1.8.3 [21 February 2022]


  • Updated MA Timeline broken html issue fixed

1.8.2 [19 February 2022]


  • Updated All Ajax Requests Security bug issues fixed
  • Updated Master Addons Editor icon alignment issue fixed

1.8.1 [30 January 2022]


  • Added New Addon Element “Comparison Table” released

1.8.0 [16 January 2022]


  • Added New Addon Element “Comparison Table” released
  • Updated Counter UP Content Alignment issue fixed
  • Updated Pro version CSS file not found issue fixed
  • Updated Swiper Slider not working issue with Team Slider, Timeline, Blog Carousel, Logo Slider etc has been fixed
  • Fixed Image Hover Effects – External Links not working issue fixed

1.7.8 [10 January 2022]


  • Added New Extension “Tooltips” added
  • Fixed Mega Menu Popup not working issue fixed
  • Fixed Mega Menu Enable/Disable and “Edit with Elementor” button switcher issue fixed
  • Fixed Floating Effects not working issue fixed

1.7.7 [02 January 2022]


  • Fixed Plugin Activation error fixed

1.7.6 [02 January 2022]


  • Added New Addon “Source Code” Addon added
  • Updated Replaced string “MELA” on Master Addons Options panelReplaced string “MELA” on Master Addons Options panel
  • Updated Panel “Master Addons” Icon color issue updated to white
  • Updated Dashboard Widgets feed xml error issue fixed
  • Updated Infobox Style – Five and Ten Updated, fixed broken Hexagon layout
  • Updated Image Hotspot – Tooltip position for individual item issue fixed
  • Fixed ‘is_pro’ warning showing on admin panel, issue fixed
  • Fixed Advanced Tabs – Tabular Content style issue fixed
  • Fixed Modal Popup on Header Footer Templates not working issue fixed

1.7.5 [24 November 2021]


  • Updated Icons Extended Extension updated with Icons Library – Elementor Icons, Simple Line Icons, Iconic Font Icons, Linear Icons, Material Icons.
  • Updated Admin UI updated
  • Updated Display Conditions Extension for protecting contents updated for Sections. Previously, it was only for widgets or elements. Now it supports Sections also
  • Removed Trials removed from Master Addons for Elementor
  • Fixed Display Conditions Output HTML checkbox not working issue fixed [24 October 2021]


  • Fixed White Label Options not saving issue fixed
  • Fixed Mega Menu popup not showing issue fixed
  • Fixed Header, Footer & Comment Form Builder popup not showing issue fixed
  • Removed Feather Icons, Remix Icons, Teeny Icons from Icons Library Manager
  • Added Elementor Icons, Iconic Font Icons, Linear Icons, Material Icons, Simple Line Icons added on Icons Library Manager
  • Added Icons Library Manager Options added on Master Addons Admin Panel and configured with White Label Options

1.7.4 [11 October 2021]


  • Fixed Pricing Table button not showing issue fixed
  • Fixed Comments addon not showing on Addons list issue fixed

1.7.3 [24 September 2021]


  • Updated Elementor Free Icons not found issue fixed
  • Updated Reading Progressbar extension warning issue fixed
  • Updated Updated Pricing Page

1.7.2 [24 September 2021]


  • Fixed Glassmorphism Extension Class not found issue fixed

1.7.1 [24 September 2021]


  • Fixed Update notice error issue fixed
  • Fixed Text Domain issue fixed

1.7.0 [24 September 2021]


  • Added “Tooltip” extension added, now any element/section can have Tooltips
  • Added Pricing Table – Icon control Color Control, Icon Size, Icon Padding, Icon Margin settings added
  • Added MA Search Addon – added Popup settings for Input Text and Description text change
  • Added Restrict Contents – added fields are – Password fields placeholder text,Age restricting select fields, Math Captcha fields width on style tab.
  • Added New Addon Element Image Carousel Addon


  • Updated All Addons and Extensions styles re-coded for speed optimization
  • Updated RTL support for both Admin Panel and All Addons and extensions
  • Updated Dual Headlines – fixed icon size and color not working issues. Added, Icon sizes and fixed typo “text color”
  • Updated Deprecated method _content_template() fixed on all elements and extensions
  • Updated Advanced Accordion – Toggle/Accordion option not working issue fixed
  • Updated Progressbars loading bar not showing issue fixed both admin and frontend
  • Updated Team Members – Added
  • Updated Creative Links – organized option settings
  • Updated MA Tooltip – Completely re-coded with tippy.js with extensive options
  • Updated MA Image Filter Gallery – Tooltip functionality updated
  • Updated MA Hotspots – Tooltip functionality updated
  • Updated MA Pricing Table – Tooltip functionality updated
  • Updated Table of Contents – addon fully re-coded with bug fixes.
  • Updated Team Slider – Carousel Arrow Distance style not working issue fixed
  • Updated All Addons deprecated `_register_controls` method replaced with `register_controls()` for later Elementor 3.0.0 supports
  • Updated All Element Addon translation support given, editor broken issue fixed
  • Updated Info box – Title hide while selecting icon issue fixed
  • Updated Logo Carousel – Logo Slider updated with Swiper Slider
  • Updated Admin Notice for Review and Upgrade design updated
  • Updated Blog – Blog Slider updated with Swiper Slider
  • Updated Timeline – Timeline style updated, Horizontal Timeline slider updated
  • Updated Current Time – reference link updated
  • Updated Search Addon – Icon Color not changing and SVG Icon editor error issue fixed
  • Updated Blockquote Addon – Blockquote Color, Typography, Background Color, Text Alignment etc style options added
  • Updated Toggle Content – Default Label Content added


  • Fixed Image Hotspots – fixed not working on editor mode and individual item icon color not changing issue
  • Fixed Counter Up – Editor style not working issue and Counterup not working on editor mode
  • Fixed Advanced Image – Lightbox Image not showing issue fixed
  • Fixed Header Footer & Comment Builder – popup not working issue fixed
  • Fixed Counter Up -Number Suffix and Number Prefix added for counter
  • Fixed Toggle Content – Indicator Background Color, Width, Height options added


  • Removed Bootstrap dependecies removed
  • Removed Team Slider – Circle svg Animation style 05,06,07 has been removed for file not found.

1.6.6 [09 August 2021]


  • Updated Style Tab not working on Custom Breakpoints issue fixed
  • Info Latest Elementor and Elementor Pro Compatibility

1.6.5 [09 July 2021]


  • Fixed Display Conditions not working issue fixed
  • Fixed Image filter gallery Image source not getting issue fixed


  • Updated MA Toggle Content – Label field cann’t change issue fixed, fixed Icon picker issue also.


  • Info Stratus Theme supports given
  • Info Elementor Custom Breakpoints plugin updated with latest Elementor Support


  • Removed Removed Elementor\Scheme_Typography deprecated function and updated with Elementor\Core\Schemes\Typography
  • Removed Removed Elementor\Core\Schemes\Color deprecated function and updated with Elementor\Core\Schemes\Color

1.6.4 [30 May 2021]


  • Fixed Many “MA Icons” icons showing issue fixed.Thanks to @slipperyman, Support URL:

1.6.3 [30 May 2021]


  • Fixed Oceanwp theme conflicts with bootstrap.min.css file issue fixed
  • Fixed Animated Gradient – Add New button not working issue fixed. Thanks @oscarlopem, Support URL:
  • Updated Team Slider, Image Carousel Arrows & Pagination re-structured. Outside arrows not working issue fixed

1.6.2 [25 April 2021]


  • Fixed Admin area text “Master Addons for ElementorMaster Addons” for network levels issue fixed. Thanks @sneoo4 for notifying us.

1.6.1 [24 April 2021]


  • Fixed Mega Menu REST API data not saving issue fixed. Thanks @toki666, Support URL:
  • Fixed Mega Menu not working issue fixed
  • Fixed Dual Heading: Description alignment not working
  • Fixed Cross-Site Scripting(XSS) for widget issue fixed – Dual Heading, Accordion, Animated Headlines, Gradient Headline, Blog, Flipbox, Image Carousel, Image Hover Effects, Team Members Slider,
  • Fixed Timeline: Icon not working issue fixed
  • Fixed Debug warnings ‘thumbnail_size’ for Image Hover Effect, Team Member issue fixed
  • Fixed “News Ticker” content not showing as slide. When hover there is a URL but no text issue fixed
  • Fixed “Dual Heading” Description alignment not working issue fixed
  • Fixed “Team Slider” – overlapping content on Fade Effect for Team Carousel issue fixed
  • Fixed “Team Slider” – Style>Position not working issue fixed
  • Updated MA Search color not working issue fixed. Border, Padding added for Search Icon

1.6.0 [27 March 2021]


  • Fixed Dynamic Tags not working issue fixed
  • Fixed Tooltip styles broken issue fixed
  • Fixed Dashboard Text upper menu issue fixed
  • Fixed Timeline – Custom Timline Date not showing issue fixed

1.5.9 [11 March 2021]


  • Fixed “Master Addons for Elementor” text showing on dashboard issue fixed

1.5.8 [10 March 2021]


  • Added White Label Options added for Developer Plans only feature.
  • Added System Information tab added on Settings panel. It has all necessary informations about current website. Copy to clipboard added for faster support of list of Active plugins.
  • Fixed Form Addons and Marketing addons not found on Elementor Panel issue fixed.
  • Fixed Advanced Accordion default padding issue fixed.
  • Fixed MA Image Carousel – Column not working issue fixed
  • Note Compatibility: Latest WordPress v5.7 and Elementor v3.1.4

1.5.7 [28 February 2021]


  • Updated ‘jquery-slick’ updated with ‘Swiper Slider’ library. Updated Widgets – MA Blog, MA Slider, MA Gallery Slider, MA Twitter Slider, MA Timeline etc
  • Updated Fully revamped plugins file structure with namespace and file locations.
  • Updated Domain Checker – Added Search Button Link for Affiliates and anyone can integrate WHMCS for searching Domains.
  • Updated Team Slider – Carousel Settings updated with latest Swiper compatibility
  • Updated Image Carousel – Carousel updated with Swiper Compatibility
  • Updated Logo Slider – Carousel updated with Swiper Compatibility
  • Updated Twitter Slider – Carousel updated with Swiper Compatibility
  • Updated Repeater Fields not working on Editor and having a gray color background issue fixed for – Advanced Accordion, Animated Headlines, Business Hours, Changelogs, Image Filterable Gallery, Image Carousel, Image Hotspot, Image Hover Effects, Logo Slider, Pricing Table, Slider Element, Dynamic Table, Advanced Tabs, Timeline, Toggle Content etc.
  • Updated Dual Heading – First Heading and Description Alignment not working issue fixed. Conditions applied for First Heading and Description alignment
  • Updated Completely revamped “Advanced Accordion” with better UX. Removed all unnecessary elements and styles. Can do any type of design now like gradient title, gradient color content etc. Toggle content alignment issue fixed and updated.
  • Updated Team Members fixed issues – Content alignment not working fixed, Social Icons repeater not working on editor fixed, Social icons style updated, added placeholder image if no image selected.
  • Updated Image Hover Effects – removed “No Image Selected” notice and added placeholder image for better user experience.


  • Added New Element added “Advanced Image”.
  • Added “MA Duplicator” added on Extensions.
  • Added Blog Posts Element – Added “All” text change option on Category Tabs filter. Thanks to @link1921u. Feature Request URL:
  • Added Blog – 2 new options added for thumbnail position – a)Top Thumb, Bottom Title and b)Bottom Thumb, Title Top. Thanks @link1921u. Feature Request URL:
  • Added Filterable Gallery – Tilt Effect with option settings added.
  • Added Filterable Gallery – Editor not working and “global” undefined console error issue fixed.
  • Added Filterable Gallery – Lightbox image overlaps like one after another issue fixed. Thanks to @pedropamn. Support Link:
  • Added Vertical Timeline – Editor not working and “global” undefined console error issue fixed.
  • Added Vertical Timeline – Editor not working and “global” undefined console error issue fixed.


  • Removed Slick Slider removed from Gallery Slider
  • Removed Slick Slider removed from Blog Element
  • Removed Slick Slider removed from Timeline
  • Removed Slick Slider removed from Logo Carousel (Upcoming)
  • Removed Slick Slider removed from Image Carousel(Upcoming)
  • Removed Slick Slider removed from Twitter Carousel(Upcoming)
  • Removed “Instagram Feed” removed due to recent update of Instagram API changes
  • Removed “Instagram Feed” removed due to recent update of Instagram API changes [24 January 2021]


  • Added Custom Timeline date_format option added.
  • Added Advanced Accordion – Border Radius, Box Shodow added on Title


  • Updated Fully Multisite supported
  • Updated Multisite License update all over network updated
  • Updated Widgets loading on each Multisite require files updated


  • Fixed Multisite Activation error issue fixed

1.5.6 [10 January 2021]


  • Added “Gradient Headlines” Element added


  • Note Few CSS issue fixed
  • Note worked on Performance issue [8 December 2020]


  • Fixed Admin Notice “Never Show Again” not working issue has been fixed
  • Fixed Creative Buttons style issue fixed for – Winona, Tamaya, Rayen, Nina, Nanuk, Antiman, Itzel, Naira, Quidel etc
  • Fixed Team Members – Social Icons with Content Alignment issue resolved
  • Fixed Progressbar – input number showing wrong fill bar color issue fixed
  • Fixed MA Infobox – Color and style issue for variation one, two, five, seven, eight, nine and ten fixed


  • Updated MA Reveal – reveal for Columns supports given
  • Updated We’ve got numerous requests about performance issue. Updated Huge performance updated on both Editor and Frontend. Loading scripts and styles conditionally.


  • Added Particles Extension “Z-Index” option added
  • Added Wrapper Link extension. Supports – Individual Elements, Sections & Columns. You can Make Section or Column Clickable on Elementor.
  • Added Animation settings added on “MA Animated Headlines” widget element
  • Added Gradient Color Option added on Reveal

1.5.5 [26 December 2020]


  • Fixed Sweetalert2 issue fixed on Admin “Save Settings”
  • Fixed ailchimp Addon conflicting ID issue fixed

1.5.4 [21 November 2020]


  • Fixed Uncaught Error: Class ‘Elementor\Plugin’ not found issue fixed for Floating Effects
  • Fixed Active Text color white issue on “MA Image Filter Gallery” issue fixed
  • Fixed Upsell coupon code typo issue fixed. 25% discount given. Also made the strings translatable
  • Fixed “responsive_icon.svg” icon not found on Console issue fixed


  • Added alignment, padding option added for Icon, Title, Desciption on MA Infobox
  • Added MA Counter Up – Added Individual item Background Color Option
  • Added MA Blog – Added Show/Hide Read More link
  • Added Morphing Blob Effect Extension
  • Added Main plugin file renamed from ‘master-elementor-addons.php’ to ‘master-addons.php’
  • Added Added “Active” tab on MA Blog>Style>Pagination for styling Active pagination items


  • Updated Slow Down Elementor issue resolved. All Scripts and Styles dependecies will only active while the specific addon will be added.
  • Updated Getting Error “elementorFrontend” is not defined issue fixed for “Custom Breakpoints”
  • Updated Reveal extension bug – Anime.min.js updated
  • Updated “Total Number of Posts” on MA Blog Posts Pagination issue fixed
  • Updated “Pagination Alignment” on MA Blog updated and fixed
  • Updated Freemius Library Updated from v to v2.3.0
  • Updated Performance issue on Elementor Eidtor Speed increased. Re-factored files for lowest requests
  • Updated “MA Dual Heading” – Enable Icon condition issue fixed, General settings changed to Icon Settings
  • Updated Formidable Form supports given, conflicting issue with Checkbox, Labels issue fixed


  • Removed Team Member default Background color removed

1.5.3 [28 September 2020]


  • Fixed MA Table Icon not working issue fixed
  • Fixed MA Advanced Accordion – Saved Section, Widget, Page Templates pro message shown
  • Fixed MA Current Time – Custom Date Format dropdown issue fixed. Changed to TEXT format
  • Fixed MA Countdown Timer – Datetime format issue fixed on Countdown timer. On previous time showing wrong format.


  • Added Floating Effects extension added
  • Added Version Rollback option added on “Master Addons” option menu if something happened wrong. Users can Rollback to Previous version.
  • Added Tooltip “Visible on Hover” added on “MA Tooltip” and “MA Image Hotspot” extension


  • Updated Transfroms Extension updated. On previous there’s lack of interactions and slow the Editor Process. Imrpoved the functionality and performance.


  • Removed Group Control “Transofrms” removed
  • Removed Single Control “Transofrms” removed
  • Removed Single Control “XY Position” removed [14 September 2020]


  • Fixed is_woocommerce_active() function return missing issue fixed

1.5.2 [13 September 2020]


  • Fixed Animated Headlines – Backend not working issue has been fixed. Now, working perfectly on both backend and frontend.
  • Fixed Reading Progres Bar warning fixed
  • Fixed Progress Bars – active bar color option added, stats alignment(left,default,right) option added
  • Fixed Call to Action – Background Color not changing issue fixed
  • Fixed Call to Action – Background Color not changing issue fixed
  • Fixed Team Carousel – Responsive Slider Controls on Desktop, Tablet, Mobile not working issue fixed
  • Fixed Fully compatible “MA Editor Button” placement issue on Tweentytwenty Theme and other themes
  • Fixed MA Counter Up – Color, Typography style not working issue fixed
  • Fixed MA Flipbox – Icon Picker changed on both Front and Back box from dropdown to Elementor Icon Library
  • Fixed MA Flipbox – Front Box description not showing issue fixed
  • Fixed MA Flipbox – Title’s changed from TEXT to TEXTAREA for better visibility. Design Styles bring to front for better UX, re-arranged controls for better usablity.
  • Fixed MA Flipbox – Title’s changed from TEXT to TEXTAREA for better visibility. Design Styles bring to front for better UX, re-arranged controls for better usablity.


  • Added Animated Headlines – Added Padding, Margin, Border, Border Radius and Box shadow for more controls on animated headlines
  • Added Item Padding option added on Navmenu
  • Added Comment Form Submit Button – Background Color, Typography, Padding, Margin, Border, Border Radius, Box shadow added
  • Added Filterable Portfolio Gallery – Image Popup Icon select option added, Added Icon size option on Style Tab
  • Added Filterable Portfolio Gallery – Title Typography, Description/Sub Title typography and Color not working issue fixed
  • Added MA Toggle Content – Icon options added on Repeater field and given compatibility.


  • Updated Call to Action – Previous Icon dropdown select option replaced with Icon Picker Library.
  • Updated Call to Action – re structured UX settings for better control. Added more controls like padding, margin, border radius, Button Style etc
  • Updated MA Flipbox – Added more controls on Action Button Style Tabs – Normal and Hover Settings
  • Updated Main Navigation style breaking with some Themes has been fixed.
  • Updated Advanced Acordion – Collapse, Open icons changed from Dropdown to Icons Library. Repeater Icon also changed
  • Updated Blog Element – Excerpt Icon changed from Dropdown to Icons Library, Icon alignment issue fixed
  • Updated Business Hours – Icon dropdown changed to Icon Library Picker, Checked other compatibility
  • Updated Creative Icons – Design Style Presets bring on front instead of Style Tab. Icon dropdown changed to Icon Library Picker, Icon Alignement issue fixed.
  • Updated Creative Links – Icons Library Updated to latest Fontawesome 5 Icons support. Alignement block issue fixed, brought Style Presets in fornt for better usability
  • Updated Dual Heading – Icons Library Updated to latest Fontawesome 5 Icons support. Alignement block issue fixed, brought Style Presets in fornt for better usability. Conditional Icons select option fixed
  • Updated Image Hover Effects – Icons Library Updated to latest Fontawesome 5 Icons support.
  • Updated MA Infobox – Icons Library Updated to latest Fontawesome 5 Icons support. Style Presets brought on Content Section for better experience.
  • Updated Pricing Table – Icons Library Updated to latest Fontawesome 5 Icons support. Style Presets brought on Content Section for better experience.
  • Updated Table of Contents – Icons Library Updated to latest Fontawesome 5 Icons support.
  • Updated MA Tabs – Icons Library Updated to latest Fontawesome 5 Icons support.
  • Updated MA Team Members – Icons Library Updated to latest Fontawesome 5 Icons support.
  • Updated MA Tooltips – Icons Library Updated to latest Fontawesome 5 Icons support.
  • Updated MA Toggle Content – Icon options added on Repeater field and given compatibility.
  • Updated MA Toggle Content – Icons Library Updated to latest Fontawesome 5 Icons support.
  • Updated Bootstrap’s default classes changed for conflicting issues with other themes – container, navbar, btn classes changed to “jltma-” prefix.
  • Updated Default button color updated to Master Addons brand color also removed default font size, font family etc.


  • Removed Default Tablet background color removed from Navmenu
  • Removed Call to Action – Background Color Style Preset not required, already it has options and removed
  • Removed Call to Action – Gradient Background Color Style Preset not required, already it has options and removed


  • Note AcmePhoto Theme navigation broken style issue fixed
  • Note Comment Form – warning message showing for Hello Elementor Theme has been fixed

1.5.1 [5 September 2020]


  • Fixed “Animated Gradient” repeater not working for Elementor v3.0 update issue fixed
  • Fixed WooCommerce Checkout page style issue fixed
  • Fixed Custom Breakpoints Panel height issue fixed
  • Fixed Custom Breakpoints updated with native Elementor support. It works exactly like default Breakpoints.
  • Fixed Custom Breakpoints – Section/Columns and all other elements Breakpoints support given.
  • Fixed Custom Breakpoints – Section/Column Import Export also works now
  • Fixed Header_Footer class not found on oceanwp and other Themes issue fixed
  • Added Reply and Show Replies button margin option added
  • Updated Template Importer support given for both Elementor v2.x.x and v3.x.x

1.5.0 [29 August 2020]


  • Updated Toggle Content – Added Toggle Border on Style Tab
  • Updated All Animation effects working now on Entrance Animation, also fixed animation delay JS issues.
  • Updated Notices for Pro users showing asking to purchase issue fixed
  • Updated Added Width & Height on “Image Hover Effects”


  • Added “Elementor Custom Breakpoints” added as Third Party Extension, which is also available on
  • Added Dynamic Conditions Extension Added
  • Added Dynamic Tags Extension Added (Which is available on Elementor Pro)
  • Added Gallery Slider Addons Added
  • Added Comment Form – Added ‘website’ field hide option on Comment form.


  • Note Animated Gradient – Reapeater Field not working on Elementor v3.x.x Section/Columns and causing Section/Column Duplicate/Delete error. Details: Due to Elementor’s core problem we’ve temporarily disabled multiple Color picker for Animated Gradient to work smoothly. While they’ll fix the issue we’ll enable it again.

1.4.8 [26 August 2020]


  • Updated Quick update for giving suppor Elementor v3.0
  • Updated Editor not loading on Elementor v3.0 issue fixed

1.4.7 [16 August 2020]


  • Updated Multiple Toggle Content on same page not working issue fixed
  • Updated Reading Progress bar warning issue fixed
  • Updated Activation/Deactivation hook fixed, if not saved data then warning showing on Admin Settings problem fixed.


  • Added Header, Footer & Comment Form Builder extension added
  • Added Alignment added on Countdown Timer


  • Fixed Plugin Deactivation popup style issue fixed
  • Fixed Toggle Content alignment css issue fixed
  • Fixed Fixed Rest API Endpoins notice – “register_rest_route was called incorrectly. The REST API route definition for is missing the required permission_callback argument. For REST API routes that are intended to be public, use __return_true as the permission callback. for more information. This message was added in version 5.5.0”
  • Fixed Mega Menu link not working issue fixed
  • Fixed Image Comparison default Move Handle issue fixed [10 August 2020]


  • Removed Due to error, we’ve removed “Custom Breakpoints”. We’ll release it Addon/separate plugin.

1.4.6 [10 August 2020]


  • Added Group Control Transitions added on “Image Hotspot” addon
  • Added New Addon Element “Toggle Content” added
  • Added New Extension “Custom JS” added. It’s applied on Page “Advanced” Settings. Now, any kind of JavaScripts can be applied on specific page.


  • Updated Admin UI changed to modern look and placed necessary links in front.
  • Updated Elementor Custom Breakpoints enabled with fixes – not editing live editor and not saving changes issue fixed.
  • Updated Master Addons Scripts & Styles dependency only loaded for Master Addons Menu
  • Updated Master Addons Admin Dashboard widget blog posts style issue fixed, removed contents and only Titles are showing for better appearance.


  • Fixed Appearance>Themes UI changed issue fixed [20 July 2020]


  • Removed Temporarily removed Custom Breakpoints for layout issue on frontend. Will fix it and enable it again asap. [20 July 2020]


  • Fixed Fatal error Elementor\Core\Base issue fixed
  • Fixed Reading progressbar warning fixed [20 July 2020]


  • Fixed Quick fix on fatal error.

1.4.5 [18 July 2020]


  • Fixed MA Blog Element – 1) Thumbnail Condition Checked on Style tab. 2) Content Color not working issue fixed. 3) * Updated: MA Tabs – 1) Icon & Tabs typo fixed. Border Radius issue fixed 2) Icon size was missing, now icon size can be controll on all styles
  • Fixed Business Hours – warning issue fixed. Image size problem fixed
  • Fixed Dual Heading – undefined array getting errors for URL issue fixed. URL link to header issue fixed
  • Fixed MA Team Members – undefined array getting errors for URL issue fixed. URL link to header issue fixed
  • Fixed MA Flipbox – “Notice: Trying to access array offset ” error fixed and conditionally opened Image and Icons.
  • Fixed MA Image Hover Effects – “Notice: Trying to access array offset ” error fixed and custom Message given for not selecting Image.


  • Added Elementor Custom Breakpoints added as Extensions module.
  • Added Live Demo, Documentation and Video added on every Addon elements bottom for easily accessible help.
  • Added Live Demo, Documentation and Video popup added on Addons switcher
  • Added Custom Message added on Helper Class. Implemented on Image Hover Effects.


  • Updated MA Timeline – 1) Horizontal space problem fixed 2) warning showings issue fixed
  • Updated Dashboard UX changed. Demo, Documentation and Video Tutorials tooltip added with resource links. So, anyone can navigate to specific Addon and check how it works.
  • Updated Dashboard UX codebase updated. Also, huge improvements with Clean codes & overall project codebase.
  • Updated MA Domain Search – Search default button style updated. Console error also fixed


  • Removed “MA” Text removed from all Addon names on Admin backend “Addons” settings.
  • Removed Image and Icon option removed from Infobox
  • Removed Dashboard Widget “Master Addons News & Updates” – content excerpt, publish date removed for making it clean

1.4.4 [14 July 2020]


  • Fixed Animated Header extra div problem fixed
  • Fixed Team Slider Free vs Pro Message issue on Premium Version showing message issue fixed
  • Fixed Reading Progress Bar – loading full site issue fixed. Now, it only loads enabled pages/posts.


  • Removed MA Infobox default Description hover removed.

1.4.3 [11 July 2020]


  • Fixed Off Canvas Nagivation menu toggling with anywhere on webpage clicking issue fixed


  • Added Header & Footers Tab added on Template Library Editor popup. Currently pre-built 20+ Headers and 10+ Footer designs added on our Template Library.
  • Added Reading Progress Bar on Page Settings Tab
  • Added MA Duplicator for duplicating posts/pages and given support for Duplicating all kind of Custom Post Types


  • Updated MA Tabs updated script for nested Tabs. Now it supports Nested Tabs beautifully
  • Updated MA Tabs content typography and Title typography problem fixed. Added 1/12 columns on Tabular Content style

1.4.2 [20 June 2020]


  • Fixed MA Tabs – warning on installation issue fixed.
  • Fixed MA Tabs – border radius not working problem fixed
  • Fixed Vertical Tabs – width 70% problem fixed. Now, content is full width according to container
  • Fixed Tabular Content – Font Size not working issue fixed


  • Updated Before After Image – Mouse handler not showing in Pro issue fixed
  • Updated Cleanup unnecessary files for reducing plugin size [17 June 2020]


  • Fixed Warning showing on Admin fixed

1.4.1 [17 June 2020]


  • Fixed Animated Headlines scripts issue fixed


  • Updated Improved Admin User Experience. Typography improved, Save button border problem fixed, navigation typography improved. After saving popup will automatically close, before it needs to close manually.


  • Added MA Tabs – Tabular Content Style added. Added few more controls – Padding, Margin, Border Radius, Box Shadow, Font Size etc.

1.4.0 [11 June 2020]


  • Fixed Image Link duplicate checkbox removed from Image hover effect
  • Fixed Backend sidebar search not working problem fixed
  • Fixed Infobox Border not working problem fixed
  • Fixed MA Team Members Carousel Slider Columns not working problem fixed.
  • Fixed MA Infobox- Border type not working problem fixed


  • Updated Team Carousel – Default Style issue fixed, Help Tab adde added for easily navigate Videos, Blog article and Documentation
  • Updated MA Infobox – default broken style issue fixed
  • Updated Onepage & Mobile Menu close by clicking outside issue fixed.


  • Added New Addon “Instagram Feed” added
  • Added New Addon “Image Comparison”, after and before image comparison added
  • Added Added new class for reset popular theme styles. Airi, Oceanwp theme default sytles issue fixed
  • Added MA Infobox – Border Radius, Margin, Padding added

1.3.9 [29 May 2020]


  • Fixed For Premium users on MA Tabs “upgrade pro” message on Style Tabs fixed.
  • Fixed Search – console error with JS re-factored. Icon Popup CSS and JS bug fixed.
  • Fixed Oceanwp Theme footer conflict issue fixed
  • Fixed Image Hover Effect – Custom Image size issue.
  • Fixed MA Team Members – Custom Image size issue.


  • Updated Set Border Radius individual corner, removed previous %/px settings. Added Margin, Padding for Image, Title and Description


  • Added New Widget “Blockquote” added
  • Added Image Hover Effects – Popup Image, Popup Content, Popup Section, Popup Page Template options added to PRO version.

1.3.8 [13 May 2020]


  • Fixed For Premium users on MA Tabs “upgrade pro” message on Style Tabs fixed.


  • Removed Margin bottom removed from Image Hover Effects

1.3.7 [06 May 2020]


  • Fixed Image Hover Effects – Image equal and dynamic height problem fixed. Alignment problem fixed.
  • Fixed Image Hover Effects – on editor extra padding problem fixed.
  • Fixed Image Hover Effects – Added Box Shadow

1.3.6 [06 May 2020]


  • Fixed If Contact Form 7 turned off all addons hidden on Editor issue fixed.
  • Fixed Editor edit mode not working issue fixed

1.3.5 [06 May 2020]


  • Added MA Tabs: more controls added on Tab Heading & Tab Content. Options added – padding, margin, border, border radius etc
  • Added MA Navmenu- Hamburger menu alignment added for Desktop
  • Added Ma Navmenu – Tablet Menu issue fixed.


  • Fixed MA Navmenu- On Scroll Sticky, Smart Scroll, Fixed On Scroll, Fixed Top not working issue fixed
  • Fixed MA Navmenu- Tablet screen menu not working problem fixed


  • Removed MA Navmenu- Justify alignment removed from desktop.


  • Updated MA Blogs- Filter by Category Filter and Navigation option updated. Now, posts can be filtered by category.

1.3.4 [13 April 2020]


  • Fixed Template Library Editor Popup Conflicting issue with other plugins
  • Fixed Image Hover Effects: Image size warning issue fixed
  • Fixed MA Search: Fixed styling Search form and button issue.
  • Fixed MA Restricted Content – Age Selection scrollbar css issue fixed. All “On Page” requests done by ajax.
  • Fixed Gravity Form – Gravity Form not working problem fixed
  • Fixed MA Creative Links – Duplicate end_controls_section() causing error issue fixed
  • Fixed MA Navigation Menu – Overlaping Mega Menu contents issue fixed
  • Fixed Master Addons Changelog error – ‘Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated’ issue fixed
  • Fixed MA Mailchimp menu not showing on Addons list issue fixed
  • Fixed Oceanwp Theme Main Navigation gone while activating Master Addons issue fixed


  • Removed MA Restricted Content – All “On Page” requests, reloading pages

1.3.3 [13 April 2020]


  • Added MA Team Slider – HTML Tags option added on MA Team Slider
  • Added MA Counter Up – Responsive Padding & Margin added
  • Added Ma Navmenu – Tablet Menu issue fixed.


  • Fixed Mega Menu Dropdown padding issue fixed
  • Fixed Contact Form 7 not showing on dashboard issue fixed
  • Fixed MA Team Slider – Dots & arrow showing conflict issue fixed
  • Fixed Mega Menu – Tablet background color issue fixed, menu_label warning issue fixed
  • Fixed Restrict Content – Onpage restrict not working issue fixed


  • Updated MA Contact Form – Label display half on contact form issue fixed


  • Removed “Roboto” font family removed as default form stylesheet

1.3.2 [05 April 2020]


  • Added New Addon “MA Counter Up” element added, Box Shadow removed.
  • Added New feature added on “MA Domain Search” with Affiliation, Custom Messages, style issues fixedma
  • Added MA Navigation Menu – On Scroll, Smart Scroll, On Scroll Fixed, Fixed menu styles and animation styles added.


  • Fixed “MA Team Member” background not changing issue fixed
  • Fixed Image hotspot: Icon not showing issue fixed
  • Fixed MA Navmenu – Submenu Indicator no default option fixed, warning showing navmenu walker issue fixed
  • Fixed MA Dual Heading – Text Alignment on first heading option added, fixed width issue fixed. Adjustment issue fixed for first heading.
  • Fixed MA Image Filter Gallery – Preview Icon not showing problem fixed,


  • Fixed MA Team Member Slider – Box Shadow removed. Default space given on Desktop & Tablets.

1.3.1 [02 April 2020]


  • Fixed MA Tabs – replaced Textarea with Editor.
  • Fixed MA Pricing Table – Fixed footer link not working issue.
  • Fixed MA Infobox – error showing on links, image not found


  • Added Mega Menu” extension added with huge customization options
  • Added “MA Navigation Menu” element added with huge customization options
  • Added “MA Search” Addon added
  • Added “MA Domain Search” Addon added
  • Added “MA Table” Addon added with dynamic customization Options
  • Added “MA Countdown” Addon added

1.3.0 [09 March 2020]


  • Fixed Mega Menu file not found issue on backend warning fixed.

1.2.9 [27 February 2020]


  • Fixed MA Filter Gallery > Filter Nav On/Off issue fixed
  • Fixed “MA Add Element” button hidden after Elementor version 2.9 issue fixed
  • Fixed Ready Pages not showing issue fixed on MA Elementor Template Kit
  • Fixed Popup color fade issue with dark Elementor fixed
  • Fixed Filters by Addon positioned on right side


  • Added MA Filter Gallery > Button Styles- Background Color, Text Color, Typography, Box Shadow, Padding added.
  • Added MA Filter Gallery > Filter Alignment added on Style tab
  • Added Templates Title name added on every Template on modal popups

1.2.8 [19 February 2020]


  • Fixed MA Filterable Gallery Duplicate URL issue fixed
  • Fixed MA Timeline “Posts Per Page” error issue fixed
  • Fixed CSS issue with other websites typography, color and other settings. Fixed problem loading CSS files while Buttons, Creative Links, News Tickers are disabled.
  • Fixed 6 New Extensions added – Positions, Transforms, Transitions, Reveal, Rellax, Container Extras, Advanced animations.


  • Added 2 New Addons Added – Restrict Content and Current Time.

1.2.7 [27 January 2020]


  • Fixed After Activating Elementor Pro, “MA Custom CSS” codes disappear issue fixed

1.2.6 [25 January 2020]


  • Fixed ‘ma-restrict-content’ error on backend issue fixed

1.2.5 [24 January 2020]


  • Fixed Background Image issue on Business Hours addon fixed
  • Fixed MA News Ticker conflicting with other Tickers fixed
  • Fixed Re-factor all codes, conflicting with Free Version Plugin.
  • Fixed Modules – Background Image Slider, Particles, Animated Gradient Module Class re-factored.


  • Added “MA Custom CSS” Addon.

1.2.4 [31 December 2019]


  • Fixed Promotional Banner showing only “Master Addons” admin Page. “Close” button for not showing promotional content issue fixed.
  • Fixed Master Addons Icon not showing on Pro version issue fixed.


  • Added New “MA Pricing Table” Elementor Addons added with exclusive, feature-rich and extensive customization options

1.2.3 [14 December 2019]


  • Fixed Blog Post Meta Separator fixed
  • Fixed Blog Pagination Margin issue fixed


  • Added Blog Excerpt “Read More” style, typography, padding, margin added
  • Added Read More Icon added with left,right alignment. Padding option also given.
  • Added Border Radius added on Thumbnail Image
  • Added Blog Title Padding and Margin Added
  • Added Content Scroll Indicator Element added

1.2.2 [10 December 2019]


  • Fixed Image Hover Effects error issue fixed.
  • Fixed Markdown Constructor method error fixed.
  • Fixed Promotional Content Skip Link added
  • Fixed MA Timeline ICONS method issue fixed.

1.2.1 [26 November 2019]


  • Fixed Dashboard all checkbox Off issue
  • Fixed If Contact Form 7 Installed and Activated then Contact Form Element will load issue fixed.
  • Fixed Scrolling issue on Master Addons Admin issue fixed
  • Fixed cann’t redeclare ‘maelimagebordercolor’ issue fixed


  • Added Promotional Banner added for Black Friday and Cyber Monday lifetime deals for $29

1.2.1 [26 November 2019]


  • Fixed Dashboard all checkbox Off issue
  • Fixed Promotional Banner added for Black Friday and Cyber Monday lifetime deals for $29
  • Fixed If Contact Form 7 Installed and Activated then Contact Form Element will load issue fixed.
  • Fixed Scrolling issue on Master Addons Admin issue fixed
  • Fixed cann’t redeclare ‘maelimagebordercolor’ issue fixed

1.2.0 [18 November 2019]


  • Fixed Extensions Pro issue fixed.
  • Fixed Title color not changing “Style 2” on Call to Action fixed
  • Fixed Applied Osaka Pro Theme Download link on Premium Plugin Version


  • Removed tocbot.css file removed. CSS moved to main css file. Duplicate contents of css loading

1.1.9 [11 November 2019]


  • Fixed ‘maelblog_users’ misspelled on MA Timeline
  • Fixed ‘maelbhtablebtn_link’ butto link on MA Business Hours
  • Fixed “(pro)” removed from MA Creative Links
  • Fixed MA Image Carousel Addon Name fixed


  • Added MA Timeline Addons Added


  • Updated MA Image Filter Gallery Addons Added. Sponsors carousel or Logo Carousel, Client Carousel, Image Carousel with text will be added next update.

1.1.8 [4 November 2019]


  • Fixed Fixed error Elementor\GroupControlBase

1.1.7 [1 November 2019]


  • Fixed MA Image Hotspot Tooltip issue fixed

1.1.6 [29 October 2019]


  • Fixed MA Image Hover effect css issue fixed
  • Fixed Ma Flipbox hover effect issue fixed


  • Added MA Image Hotspot Added

1.1.5 [18 October 2019]


  • Fixed Image Hover Effects Conditions fixed. Title, Social Links, Descriptions conditionally show issue fixed with CSS.

1.1.4 [15 October 2019]


  • Fixed Dashboard Extensions, Addons tabs error fixed.
  • Fixed MA Infobox – Title and Description hover color issue fixed.
  • Fixed MA Creative Button style issues fixed – Winona, Tamaya, Rayen, Isi, Saqui, Nina, Nanuk, Itzel, Naira, Sacnite buttons, etc.
  • Fixed MA Team Carousel Image not showing problem fixed.


  • Note Fixed Animation SVG not showing issue
  • Note Team Slider Content Drawer conflicting with Slick Slider issue resolved.
  • Note MA Creative Button Box Shadow on Hover issue fixed.


  • Added Team Slider Added Background Image Position Left, Top for proper adjustment.
  • Added Team Slider Added Team Member Image Position Left, Top for proper adjustment.
  • Added Rounded Style Team Members Added.
  • Added Image Size, Background Image size added on Team Slider Image.
  • Added Dual Heading Icon fixed.
  • Added MA Accordion Single Item class error fixed.
  • Added Added Icon Border Color on MA Flipbox.
  • Added “MA” icon added on Widgets top right corner.
  • Added “MA” top right corner icon added for easy identical. MA Icon css issue fixed.
  • Added Missing Bootstrap css file added.
  • Added MA Infobox- Icon Color, Icon Background, Icon Hover Color and Icon Hover Background Color option added.
  • Added MA Team Carousel and MA Team Members Content Alignment feature added.
  • Added Added Border for MA Team Carousel Navigation items.
  • Added 3d Flipbox Added on MA Flipbox
  • Added Added Image Hover Effects and Style issues fixed.
  • Added MA Blog Element Addons with huge Customizations Options.
  • Added MA News Ticker Addon, you can do any kind of variations by yourself.
  • Added MA Business Hours – a bunch of Customizations and Layout Variations
  • Added MA Table of Contents – Must have Addon for Content Creators. Unlimited variations for Table of Contents.


  • Updated Updated 6 Circle Gradient Layout styles for Team Slider Background.

1.1.3 [10 September 2019]


  • Fixed Dashboard Addons, Extensions separated. Pro Features blocked with Popup Sweetalert.
  • Fixed Creative Button Saqui Transform style fixed.

1.1.2 [6 September 2019]


  • Fixed MA Team Members Carousel JS issue fixed.
  • Fixed MA Changelog h2 tag overlap issue fixed.
  • Fixed MA Team Carousel Gridder offset problem fixed.


  • Added Multicolor Accordion Title and Content Color Option is given.
  • Added Blocked Pro Version Ribbons, popup opens with Pro Version Pricing Links.
  • Added Dashboard Master Addons News RSS feed Opens New Window.
  • Added Social Icon Color Change Option for “Normal” and “Hover” tab Option added on MA Team Carousel.
  • Added Nested Tabs feature added for MA Tabs.
  • Added MA Flipbox Front Text and Back Text Alignment.
  • Added Team Slider – Item Spacing for all team member options, Gridder spacing, Gridder Background Color, and Designation Color option Added.
  • Added Team Slider – Item Spacing for all team member options, Gridder spacing, Gridder Background Color, and Designation Color option Added.


  • Removed MA Flipbox Duplicate Background removed.
  • Removed MA Flipbox Front Box Title, Description color Removed.
  • Removed Master Addons Admin page – “How to” section with Demo links. Removed all Images from source folder for decreasing Plugin size. Reduced 12MB to 4MB. All Images will be loaded from Master Addons website.
  • Removed Master Addons Admin page – “How to” section with Demo links. Removed all Images from source folder for decreasing Plugin size. Reduced 12MB to 4MB. All Images will be loaded from Master Addons website.


  • Updated Master Addons Admin Page re-factored. Minimal Designed, Compressed Addons spacing for better visuals.
  • Updated Flipbox Background Color Updated.
  • Updated Re-factored MA Tabs Codes.
  • Updated Dashboard News widget and Blog Updates Feed Link changed to Master Addons Website. Logo Icon Placed for more visual appeal.
  • Updated Dashboard Addons, Extensions seperated. Pro Features blocked with Popup Sweetalert.

1.1.1 [23 August 2019]


  • Fixed MA Headlines renamed MA Animated Headlines.
  • Fixed Accordion Design Presets styles done.
  • Fixed Animated Gradient Background color issue fixed. Overlay color set issue also fixed.
  • Fixed Background Image Slider for sections issue fixed.
  • Fixed MA Animated Headlines page flipping issue fixed. Updated scripts and styles.
  • Fixed Icon not showing issue on Dual Heading fixed.
  • Fixed Added “Heading HTML Tags” Options on Dual Heading Elements. Fixed – Typography, Color and Background issue for First Design Preset.
  • Fixed Particles not showing, Animated Gradient Background not working, Background Slider Image resize issues fixed
  • Fixed Caldera Form error and Styles.
  • Fixed Infobox 10 Design Style Presets fixed.
  • Fixed Ninja Form Label and Placeholder switcher and css fixings.
  • Fixed Dual Heading icon spacing issue fixed
  • Fixed MA Cards Image Alt content now showing fixed


  • Added Accordion Items can be designed individually. Every item can be set different background color, text color etc.
  • Added Nested Accordion feature added
  • Added Nine Style Presets added for MA Animated Headlines.
  • Added “Master Addons Widget Badge” added on Particles, Animated Gradient Background, Background Slider.
  • Added Infobox gradient Color Style changer
  • Added HTML Tags added on Dual heading icon spacing issue fixed
  • Added Flipbox- Default, Image, Diagnoal style variations added
  • Added New Addon Element added “Creative Links”
  • Added Affiliation Added for any Plugin Users. Starting from 50% flat commissions for all Affiliates.


  • Removed Image and Video feature removed from Accordions
  • Removed Custom Title and Description removed from Ninja Form
  • Removed Font Awesome 4, Font Awesome 5, Animate.css, wow.js removed from plugin. All are available on Elementor Core

1.1.0 [11th August 2019]


  • Fixed Admin Notice not showing issue on Master Addons issue fixed
  • Fixed Plugin uri changed to Master Addons website
  • Fixed Contact Forms Style issues fixed
  • Fixed Accordion Style issues fixed, conflicting JS issue fixed
  • Fixed Team Member and Team Member Slider style issue fixed

1.0.9 [2nd August 2019]


  • Fixed Freemius SDK Live Update problem. It’s fixed now.


  • Added Team Section Full Size Image Replaced with backend Image size.
  • Added Carousel Team Slider Updated fixed Image Size to backend Image size by user Inputs
  • Added Forms Styles and other style issues

1.0.8 [25th July 2019]


  • Changed MA Creative Buttons Styles separated and tested Free and Pro Version

1.0.7 [24th July 2019]


  • Fixed MA Creative Buttons Styles separated and tested Free and Pro Version


  • Added Gravity Forms blocked Free and Premium Versions


  • Updated Added Pricing Table for premium version

1.0.6 [6th July 2019]


  • Fixed Markdown Library Error – Plugin activation Error “The plugin does not have a valid header” fixed


  • Added ontact Form 7, Ninja Forms, Gravity Forms, WPForms, Caldera Forms, weForms added


  • Updated 12 Style Presets added for Contact Form 7
  • Updated Schedule Plugin Check

1.0.5 [4th July 2019]


  • Fixed Plugin activation Error “The plugin does not have a valid header” fixed


  • Added Version bump

1.0.4 [3rd July 2019]


  • Fixed Addons Tabs Style fixed
  • Fixed Move Master Addons Main menu from Sub Menu
  • Fixed Menu Position Changed just under “Elementor” and “Templates” Menu
  • Fixed BG Slider swiper.min.css file not found issue
  • Fixed Creative Links Conflict with website Nav Class/ID’s
  • Fixed Admin Docs content typo fixed
  • Fixed Script not working issue fixed- progressbars, tabs, accordion, team slider was not working. Fixed the issue.
  • Fixed Countdown Script issue fixed
  • Fixed Progressbar, Piechart, Progressbars, Team Slider, Counterup, Countdown, Custom waypoint Script issue fixed
  • Fixed Dashboard Settings not working issue fixed


  • Added Call to Action Element/Widget
  • Added Call to Action Progressbars Element
  • Added Info Service Icons


  • Added Master Addons Class CSS and JS files re-arranged with wpregisterstyle and wpregisterscript methods

1.0.3 [26th June 2019]


  • Fixed Ninja Forms not found issue fixed
  • Fixed Cleanup Unnecessary Codes
  • Fixed Free and Pro Creative Buttons CSS fixed
  • Fixed Dependencies and Checked Free and Pro Version Apply Filter.
  • Fixed Dependencies and Checked Free and Pro Version Apply Filter.


  • Added Added Dashboard News feed for Master Addons
  • Added Ninja Forms Added with unlimited customization possibilities
  • Added Caldera Forms Added
  • Added WP Forms Added
  • Added weForms Added
  • Added Call to Action Elementor Element / Widget added
  • Added Creative Buttons Added
  • Added Section Particles Added: BG Slider, Animated Background etc

1.0.2 [24th August 2019]


  • Fixed Advanced Accordion JS issue fixed
  • Fixed Animated Heading CSS issue fixed

1.0.1 [17th June 2019]


  • Note Version Bump

1.0.0 [17th June 2019]


  • Note Initial Release

Master Addons Demos


Animated Headlines
Dual Heading
Gradient Headline


Image Hover Effects
Image Hotspot
Filterable Image Gallery
Image Comparison
Gallery Slider
Advanced Image


Advanced Accordion
Toggle Content
Team Member
Team Slider
Business Hours
Pricing Table
Restrict Content
Dynamic Table

Special Elements

Call to Action
Progress Bar
Progress Bars
Creative Button
Creative Links
News Ticker
Table of Contents
Current Time
Domain Search
Nav Menu
Counter Up
Countdown Timer


Animated Gradient BG
Reading Progress Bar
Background Slider
Custom CSS
Custom JS
Container Extras
Mega Menu
Entrance Animation
Display Conditions
Dynamic Tags
Floating Effects
Custom Breakpoints
Post/Page Duplicator
Wrapper Link

Contact Form

Contact Form 7
Ninja Form
WP Forms
Gravity Forms
Caldera Forms